To submit a comment for consideration please write to and include your
first name and city
cancelled my LA Times. I saved much time and frustration.
Los Angeles, CA
subscription. We're done. No more biased, anti-Israel LA
Times. Jackie,
Los Angeles, CA
recently cancelled my LA Times because of their
anti-semitic anti-Israel views as expressed in their news
articles. Jerry, Los Angeles, CA
1982 I stopped reading the New York Times
permanently because of their relentless bias against
Israel, Judaism and Jews. Since 1982 there have been
countless times when I heard my fellow Jews complain
loudly about it but they have not corrected their evil
anti Jewish ways. If I see an abandoned copy of the
New York Times I throw it in the garbage. Adam, New York, NY
The LA
Times and NY Times are and have been the most
anti-semitic and obviously anti-Israel. Nothing new about
their actions. We canceled our subscriptions years ago. Pablo, Los Angeles,
husband and I cancelled our LA Times subscription because
it is an anti-semitic paper. We also do not want to
receive the LA Times advertising circulars which arrive
every Friday, and so we wrote to Sam Zell, owner of
Tribune Company, demanding he stop delivering them
immediately. They go from the mail box to the trash bin
unreviewed. Shirley, Los Angeles, CA
signing The Body Shop Petition, I also canceled
my LA Times. I had been receiving the Sunday Times. I do
not wish to have any part of a newspaper which
promulgates biased reporting. Their anti-Semitic,
anti-Israel, and pro-terrorist states/entities slant has
gone too far. Thomas, Los Angeles, CA
great pleasure I canceled my LA slime subscription.
The last 2 weeks, the front pages were plastered
daily with the bombings in Beirut with hardly any mention
of Israel's pain and suffering. I own a market in Venice
so it was about 11 papers a day they are losing. Keep up
the good fight. Miriam, Venice, CA
stopped the NY Times 5 years ago when the Tuvia Grossman
story came out. The New York Sun is pro-Israel and a good
newspaper. It was really hard for me to wean myself off
the NY Times because I have read it for years. But
knowing I had a good option made it all the more doable. Barbara, New York,
idea. I stopped my LA Times subscription after being
a loyal reader for over 25 years. Their anti-Israel
slant finally got to me. And boycotting the movie
Munich; thanks, another great idea. Spielberg has
abandoned Israel and the concept of "Never
Again." I refuse to see it. Good luck. Louis, Los
Angeles, CA
I have
gotten at least 50 people to drop their subscriptions to
the LA Times. It is a propaganda machine disguised
as a newspaper hiding behind the first amendment. Boyd, Los Angeles,
I used
to be an LA Times subscriber. Their delivery service is
very poor. I see their bias as very liberal and
anti-Israel. I currently buy the Daily Breeze which is
less biased and they have better coverage of the news for
the South Bay area. So I will continue to boycott
the LA Times. Lewis, Los Angeles, CA
I have
been reading Join the Boycott for several months and can
relate to the LA Times bias. I live in Minneapolis and
had subscribed to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune for over
30 years. I finally got tired of their bias against
Israel and canceled my subscription. Harry, Minneapolis,
I and
many others in Canada boycott the Toronto Star for
its anti-Israel stance. Jonathan, Toronto,
been boycotting the NY Times for years because of their
anti-Israel bias.
New York, NY
The SF
Chronicle has a consistent anti-Israel bias. I finally
canceled my subscription after it butchered coverage of
the Israel Independence Day festival. Thousands attended,
but the only coverage in the Chronicle was the handful of
pro-Palestinian demonstrators across the street. Mark, San
Francisco, CA
I have
canceled our subscription to the Sacramento Bee,
Sacramento's only daily newspaper due to its anti-Israel
editorials and articles. When asked to re-subscribe, I've
told them the reason I refuse to do so. Debbie, Rancho Cordova, CA
This morning I canceled my subscription to the Times
Herald Record, Middletown, NY, and I told them that it
was because of their extreme liberal bias. I had been a
subscriber for twenty years. Where there is a left wing
bias there almost always can be found an anti-Israel
stance. Carolyn, Middletown, NY
Stopped buying the LA Times over three years ago because
of its biased, pernicious, ignorant, uninformed, vicious
coverage of Israel. Sara, Santa Monica
girlfriend and I both canceled our Los Angeles Times
subscriptions because of their liberal bias; much
happier with the Wall Street Journal op-ed pages. Steve, Los Angeles,
We canceled our LA Times subscription over a year ago
because of anti-Israel editorializing on the front page
over and over again. They call every week to ask us
to sign up & we just hang up on them. Rita & Steve,
Los Angeles, CA
Britain the main offender is the BBC but we must pay the
BBC to watch. Funny, I thought we lived in a democracy. I
have not purchased for many years the Independent,
Observer, Guardian newspapers and recently
the London Evening Standard and the Daily
and Sunday Mail. Martin, London, England
canceled our subscription to the Los Angeles Times after
over 30 years. It was difficult but we felt we had no
other choice. Jay, Los Angles, CA
We joined the boycott of the LA Times over a year ago
after having been a subscriber for over forty years. I
also wrote and told them why we cancelled. Did not
receive a reply to our notice. The web is by far the
better news gatherer. Bob, Beverly Hills, CA
I have canceled the San Diego Union Tribune for their
consistent anti-Israel view and reporting. Michelle, San
Diego, CA
Hi. I
canceled my LA Times subscription during the recall
election of Gray Davis... and subscribed to the WSJ. Wish
I would have done it 10 years ago! Cheers. Jari, Alta Loma, CA
Haven't bought the LA Times for years; stopped my
subscription before that. Am also boycotting CNN and tell
their sponsors I will boycott their products and let my
MSN and Yahoo groups know. Am a staunch supporter of
a strong Israel and an avowed opponent of worldwide
jihadist terror. Peter, Blue Jay, CA
you for the New York Times boycott. We stopped our
subscription years ago when the boycott first began. One
of our friends started a subscription merely to cancel
later. Their treatment of Israel and moral vacuum is
despicable, especially Thomas Friedman. Phil, New York, NY
I canceled my subscription to your anti-Israel brethen,
The NY Times, and I want to join the voices of disgust
about your blatantly anti-semitic [LA Times] publication,
after seeing the editorial cartoon of the word
"Israel" forming the I of "NAZI" in big block letters. It is
blatant propaganda. Barbara, Flushing, NY
finally "joined the [LA Times] boycott" after
seeing today's editorial cartoon of the word
"Israel" forming the I of "NAZI" in
big block letters. I put off canceling in deference to my
wife who likes their leftist political viewpoint but I
can't abide by this. I gave them an earful when I
canceled. Judd, Irvine, CA
I canceled my LA Times months ago (I was only receiving
the Sunday edition). Their blatant bias and anti-Israel
position is sad. In depth articles on the families of the
suicide bombers with hardly a mention of the victims made
it apparent the LA Times is on the side of the
terrorists. Robert, Ventura, CA
As a
Boston-area resident, I refuse to subscribe to the
Globe. It always was an anti-Israel rag. l still read
it at my parents' house, but it always sends my blood
pressure soaring. Here's an example. I will not register online for
the anti-Israel LA Times, NY Times, Chicago
Tribune, or BBC. Robin, Everett, MA
I canceled my subscription to the blatantly biased
anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rag sheet referred to as the
LA Times about two years ago. Occasionally I do read
someone else's copy if it is by chance available to me. Ben, Encino, CA
are right, the LA Times is biased. I have canceled based
on your urging and confirmation of what I can read and
suspected myself. Dean, Van Nuys, CA
canceled my subscription to the Monterey Herald around
the end of 2001. I wrote an angry letter to the
editor regarding the anti-semitic, anti-Israeli and
anti-American content of this newspaper. They try to get
me back but I just explain why I did it. Thank you for
your great initiative. Rachel, Monterey, CA
I have
boycotted the New York Times for almost two
years now and urged my friends to do the same. I would
urge all LA residents to boycott the LA Times
too. I'm glad to see you're fighting back against the LA
Times war on the Jews. Hazak
V'Ematz. Am Yisrael Chai. Medinat
Yisrael. Rebecca, New York, NY
support your efforts 100%. I have canceled the LA Times
numerous times over the years because of their
anti-Israel reporting, but the last straw was the
Schwarzenegger articles. They got me to cancel
permanently. I sent numerous angry emails to John Carroll
and others at the Times. Mark, Los Angeles, CA
called and canceled my subscription to the LA Times on
Saturday 10/04/03 over biased Recall coverage. I also
agree with your points regarding the Times biased
coverage against Israel. Tom, Los Angeles,
canceled my subscription to the LA Times telling them to
shove their Lying Liberal Sleaze Rag. I
am now a Daily News subscriber and they told me they were
being bombarded with new orders due to the LA Times
liberal backstab! Thank You for the Web Site!
Bookmarked! Christina,
Palmdale, CA
I just
canceled my LA Times subscription. They can chalk this
one up to their ongoing attacks on Arnold for their own
political means. I too believe that the Times only
publishes the selective truth to serve its own political
agenda.........and it makes me sick. Glad to join the
boycott! Stacy, Los Angeles, CA
I have boycotted the LA Times for quite a few years,
my husband started a subscription to the Sunday paper for
the Sports section and the ads. Today, we canceled
that subscription and will never again put one dime into
that corrupt organization. Cher, Rancho Palos
Verdes, CA
I read
the NY Times for 40 years and canceled in 2002. The
selection of quotes, phrase, photos and headlines, were
grossly biased against reality, let alone Israel. I do
not miss the Times' pomposity or self-righteousness at
all. I'm better informed, and far less upset by what I
read now. Sam, Cleveland, OH
I have
just canceled my daily online & print subscription to
the NY Times. Their biased anti-Israel reporting has been
irritating for quite some time, and they need to learn
that enough is enough! Am Israel Chai! Lillian, Ascona,
from Toronto and no longer purchase the NY Times, but
have been aware of the LA Times bias for some time. 2
Years ago, Benjamin's, a large Funeral Home, stopped
their Ads in the Toronto Star, because of its anti-Israel
bias. Lets hope similar companies in LA follow suit! Shelagh, Toronto,
I feel
gypped at not being given the facts and truth about the
situation in Israel without bias and spin. Their
anti-Israel values are seen in their sentences and
headlines. Shame on the LA Times and shame on anyone who
would support such a rag.. Allyson, Los Angeles, CA
not a subscriber to the LA Times, I very often turn to it
on our newsstands here in San Luis Obispo and have been a
regular purchaser of the Sunday Times. I will do so no
longer; not until they take their vicious anti-Israel
tone out of their newspaper. Elizabeth, San Luis Obispo, CA
haven't bought the NY Times in at least five years; and
two years ago I canceled my local NY PBS channel because
I did not want to support their anti-Israel BBC
newscasts. Now I am emailing them negative reactions
to the BBC from many observers. Sylvia, New York,
I gave
up my subscription to the Newark (NJ) Star
Ledger after 22 years, and my company will no longer
advertise there. Suicide bombers are
"militants", and every Israeli who defends his
country is a "hardliner". They seldom
publish contrary opinions in their letters to the editor
either. Steve, Parsippany, NJ
canceled my NY Times subscription long ago, and refuse to
support NPR. We can't let this slander pass by. This is
how it started with the Nazis too. Ronald, New York,
Site... it's wonderful to see people who are making these
liberal institutions pay for their lies. The NY Times is
available in Toronto, and I used to read it now and then
as a second paper, but I've stopped buying it due to its
Anti-Western, Anti-American, and Anti-Israeli bias. Joseph,
Toronto, Canada
I (and
a lot of others) canceled the NY Times approximately 1
year ago in response to their anti-Israel
reporting. Now I get the NY Sun which is much more
evenhanded, although I don't agree with all their
articles either. Sue, Brooklyn, NY
I'm an
American living in the The Netherlands. We recently
canceled our subscription to the International Herald
Tribune. In addition to being anti-Israel, it's blatantly
anti-American. Good riddance to bad garbage. Kathy, Amsterdam,
recently canceled my coverage to Newsweek due to
their consistently anti-Israel bias. see Honest Reporting I also refused to
renew my subscription to the Dallas Morning News
whose coverage of the conflict is blatantly pro-Arab. see example Dafna, Dallas, TX
San Francisco Chronicle has become like an Arab
newspaper. Anything Israel does is wrong. A subscriber
for over 15 years, I canceled when it refused to carry
the whole story of the destruction of Joseph's Tomb.
And the paper is hurting in readership. Hinda, San Francisco, CA
I am
generally loathe to boycott but that is not the case with
the LA Times. We canceled our subscription, wrote a
letter why, and called a friend who is a Times Editor.
They know what is happening, although Im not sure
they care, but if more people join they will. Keep up the
good work. Gabriel, Irvine, CA
I am a
boycotter of the NY Times and I got my friends to cancel
their subscriptions. I also don't watch CNN, and
Palestine Pete Jennings. Joel, Brooklyn, NY
I canceled my subscription to the LA Times after 60,000
people attended the Israel Independence celebration in
the Valley and they didn't even mention it. Present were
Bill Simon, Gray Davis, Alan Keyes and Larry Elder.
The person who took my cancellation said "I agree
with you". Alex, Woodland Hills, CA
We are ex-New Yorkers in Philadelphia and former
subscribers to the NY Times, Philadelphia Inquirer and
WHYY (NPR). We discontinued because of their virulent
anti-Israel and pro-terrorist bias. I feel bad for the
deliverer of the Inquirer, but this is the only way to
protest their policies. Steve, Blue Bell, PA
I canceled the NY Times several months ago because of its
constant anti-Israel reporting. Outright distortions -
the final straw was their reporting on the so-called
Jenin "massacre". They implied 80-90% had been
destroyed by the Israelis - in my opinion it was vicious
slander.. Charles, New York, NY
canceled my subscription to the NY Times in April 2001
due to anti-Israel, anti-Jewish writing (not reporting -
as they make up what they can not report). Keep up the good work. .Paul, Monsey, NY
I gave up my LA Times subscription nearly two years ago -
long before all the negative publicity over its biased
reporting. I do not want the reporting to be pro-Israel
particularly, just more objective. The most offensive
reporter to me has been Tracy Wilkinson. .Bruce, Los Angeles,
canceled the LA Times a year ago because of their
anti-Israel, anti-Semitic reporting. They said they would
forward my comments along to the editor. Sure they
will... When they call me to resubscribe, I tell them I
wouldn't even take their paper for free because of their
biased reporting. .Ross, Los Angeles, CA
I belong to the ZOA in the Philadelphia area. I rallied
with them outside the Philadelphia Inquirer's building
and found out about the horrid remarks in this paper. I
got a call to subscribe to them. I told them no way would
I subscribe to an anti-semitic paper! Good job this site
is doing!. Norma, Philadelphia, PA
stopped reading the NY Times, the Washington Post and the
LA Times years ago. I haven't watched 10 minutes of CNN
since FOX News hit the airwaves and I don't buy from
companies that support these outlets and I let them know
it. .Andrew, Athens, NY
I live in Chicago and canceled the Chicago Tribune.
The Tribune of course owns the LA Times. We do have
an alternative city wide newspaper, The Chicago
Sun-Times which is very pro-Israel. The Tribune is
not quite as bad as the LA Times in its coverage. Larry, Chicago, IL
I can
no longer subscribe to the LA Times because of its unfair
and slanted reporting of news pertaining to Israel. I
will get my information from other newspapers and other
sources...Atara, Los Angeles,
Thank you. Your boycott finally prompted me to cancel my
subscription to the San Francisco Chronicle. I first
tried to effect change of the Chronicle's gross
anti-Israel bias "from within" but after
numerous letters (some published) proved pointless, I
decided to vote with my wallet.. Isaac, Palo Alto,
canceled my LA Times subscription in May, 2002. I was
disappointed with their anti-Israel reporting. They
became a Palestinian propaganda machine feeding us the
Arab spin. Their selective omissions and opinions mixed
up with news caused me to not trust their reporting...Mike, Los Angeles,
My husband and I canceled the San Francisco Chronicle
after two years of fruitless letter writing to correct
their anti-Israel bias. The only result was they changed
the article by-lines so you wouldn't know they were
written by Arabs. The Chron is an Arab propaganda tool
not a newspaper...Pat, San Rafael, CA
I quit my subscription to the Los Angeles Times in
February, after over 20 years. Too much anti-Israel
bias, editorials masquerading as reporting, etc. I
want a paper that writes the way Elder, Limbaugh, Prager,
Hewitt and Medved speak, i.e. something truthful and
objective. .Bill, Los Angeles, CA
I permanently canceled my subscription to the LA Times in
April 2002 because of anti-Israel bias in the news
coverage and in the editorial pages. They called several
times asking me to come back but I'll continue my boycott
until the paper institutes objective reporting as its
policy...Shmuel, Anaheim, CA
canceled our subscription to the San Francisco Chronicle
several months ago because we were receiving
inaccurate news that was biased against Israel. We
don't miss the Chronicle at all. .Ron, Larkspur, CA
I am
boycotting the Philadelphia Inquirer. It has a seriously
anti-Israel philosophy including omitting and distorting
critical facts, ignoring the hatred espoused in Arab
textbooks and media, ignoring Jewish victims, and
concealing Arafat's real cause: the destruction of
Israel. .Ken, Philadelphia, PA
I have permanently canceled my subscription to the LA
Times because of their pro-moslem terrorist stance. They
call Sharon "hardline" for defending Jewish
lives while portraying moslem murderers as freedom
fighters which is disgusting and immoral. .Raymond, Los
Angeles, CA
Minneapolis Star Tribune was not calling "suicide
bombers" terrorists. Many members of the community
signed a petition which was printed in the Star saying we
would cancel our subscriptions unless they call them
terrorists. They refused so we and many others canceled...Andy, Minneapolis,
chance! I long ago stopped getting the NY Times. I prefer
to get my news about Israel from more accurate sources...Marion, New York,
I have
permanently canceled my subscription to the LA Times
because they are untruthful and slanted against Israel...Gail, Beverly
Hills, CA
I canceled my subscription to the Washington Post. I am
fed up with the reporting of the "conflict" in
Israel. Very biased reporting. .Sharon, Washington
boycotted the LA Times after the Passover attacks because
the reports were outrageous. They took the Arab side with
hardly any mention of those massacred. I cannot
understand why the LA Times is so biased. They pose as
"Americans" when they clearly support
terrorism. .Josh, Los Angeles, CA
task you have undertaken and accomplished was a very
necessary one. Distribution of this material will truly
show the lethal effects of the LA Times. So much thanks.
I have permanently canceled my subscription. lBernie, Los
Angeles, CA
I live in New Jersey so the only paper I can boycott is
the New York Times. But I've been boycotting them
for years anyway. I won't even register on their
website. Jack, Scotch Plains, NJ
I have
been boycotting the LA Times since January, 1988, about 1
month after it started its relentless and insidious
anti-Israel campaign and I encourage all friends of
Israel to boycott it too.. David, Los Angeles, CA
Join the LA Times
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Philadelphia Philadelphia
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